New Guild Rules (Everyone must read!!)

solarman09(Le Trollin Commander)

Okay i have been inactive for a long time and i have been undergone on a series of unfortunate events like my phone got snatched and my wallet, got stuck on the job. but it doesn't matter anymore cuz finally i had a vacant time to bring you this update that bry just sent me.

New rules that will be effective once the guild is back.

The 7 day absence policy will be still at hand. Those who are inactive after 7 days will be kicked and only be kicked by leader or co-leader.

--New requirements to join--
Must be lvl 40+ (this rule can be override by the leader or the co-leader)
-Must have good communication skills(english)
-Must be active player
-Talks alot and be active on guild chats, guild hub puns etc.

All officers has the power to duffer but can't kick... Only co-leaders and leader can.

There will be 3 strike for all members.. You can strike them out if they are
-spamming guild chat
-disrespectful to other guild members/ bullying
-racist and bad comments

1 strike = 5 mins duffer
2 strike = 30 mins duffer
3 strike = 1 hour duffer
4 strike = kick out/remove

IMPORTANT PART... here will be the list of the co-leaders,leader, and other acting officers of the guild.(will be polishing this up as soon as i find myself vacant.)

Leader ---> webryan


christa22,lady merrygoround, notjoe1


meatpie swag (1 free spot for recruiter)

Event Manager/holder:

s i s

Guild site and twitter page admin/programmer:


All above will be officer(s) and all rules will be applied on december first.
There will be a weekend meeting that all officers must attent every week. Date and time will be discussed.

Co-leaders can kick and invite anyone, while Recruiters can recruit only those who meet the requirements above. (but they have no authority to kick) Event holders manages the events every week e.g: weekly 1v1 pvps and etc.(has the same power as the recruiter.) Programmer are the one(s) who are in charge on the site. they are the one(s) who manages and post all the things on the guild page and on the twitter page (has the same power as the recruiter).
All Officers can duffer and give 3 strikes.. But they can't kick.. If they want to kick a member, the matter will be bought on the daily meeting. Officers can vote to change/alter the rules on the daily meetings. -webryan (guild leader)